Saturday, October 2, 2010

My Introduction to Second Life

Activity #1 My First Visit to Fontbonne Island
This wasn't my first visit to Fontbonne Island. In fact, this visit was the complete opposite of my first visit.The first time I was inworld, I was very apprehensive about Second Life. This time I was thinking about how I missed the potential of Second Life because I hadn't been here in a while. I did learn something in the first vieit. I learned how to land without falling flat on my face. That is what stands out the most from that meeting.

Activity #2 My Avatar Gets a Complete Makeover

I just recently changed the look of my avatar, so I went with a look that is totally radical for me.

Activity #3 My Field Trips
Of the three field trips I liked Virtual Harlem the most. MacBeth scared me for whatever reason. I did not stay long. It was so quick, I forgot to take a picture. So I went back and took a picture today. At the pet site I couldn't find the type of dog I would like to own. I did spend much time there either. I also had to go back and take a picture. I am sure you can tell by my pictures, what I liked the most about Virtual Harlem. Wheeeeee!

Activity #4 My Avatar Eixplores the World on His and Her Own
When I first started coming to Second Life, I was very apprehensive to say the least. The ISTE cite was the first place I visited besides Fontbonne Island. I learned a lot there and I was comfortable.

I love looking at furniture. Especially now since I am moving. The piece you see in the Furniture Land picture is something I need for real in my new apartment. When I am in world, I come here a lot.

I tried to go someplace new so I saw "Lincoln Memorial". I teleported to the location and really couldn't understand what i was looking at. It certainly did not look like the Lincoln Memorial. Turns out it looks like it is a log cabin of some sort. I wasn't excited about this location.

Activity #5 My Avatar Learned A Lot
I explored Fontbonne Island a little. I was checking out things I hadn't done before.I rode a bike.:-D. Below is the pictures from that adventure.

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