My Reflection: What Second Life Taught Me About Learning
I have heard about VARK and I did answer the questionnaire, but I forgot what type of learner I am. It certainly makes me want to go back and get that information again. My first thought while reading this article was whether or not they make a version for K through 2 students. I would love to know the learning styles of some of my students. This very morning I observed two of my students doing a reading activity. When I reflect back, I would guess that the little girl was a read/write learner. I would love to know what type of learner the little boy is.
Another thought I has is if there will be online classes for children of this age? Would they understand how to navigate for learning in an online environment? I speculate that they would be good at learning online. what would concern me more is their social development. I believe Second Life will come to have a significant role in education.
My Reflection: Reflection: Teaching with Second Life
Being somewhat in the Art world and the Education world, I could see Second Life being an excellent tool in both. what this article made me think about is practicing my art skills in Second Life. I recently visited a museum in Second Life. Before my visit I had not considered creating sculptor or paintings in world. I loved the curator's digital paintings. I think this would be a good way for me to get back to my own art.
My Reflection: Engaging the YouTube Google-Eyed Generation:Strategies for Using Web 2.0 in Teaching and Learning
This article was very interesting to me. I hope to use some of these suggestions. It certainly makes me think. I teach K-2 Art. That really doesn't gibe me much bases for this type of teaching, yet. I do think it is possible to incorporate these practices into my grade level and my subject. The weak link at this moment is me, but I am getting stronger. I know my students use texting on cell phones. they probably use email. They definitely play games and do academics on the computer. the only thing stopping my children from learning in this manner is lack of knowledge, funds, and equipment. My students were born ready for Web 2.0 learning.
My Reflection: SL Etiquette
I remember viewing this when I first experienced Second Life, but I have to say that they had escaped me. Most of these guidelines are common sense to me. If you conduct your life in a proper manner, then it wouldn't be any different in a virtual life.
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